Hamza[Pak] Admin
Posts : 91 Points : 153 Reputation : 9 Join date : 2011-05-22 Age : 26 Location : Islamabad, Pakistan
| Subject: Commands for server Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:20 pm | |
| Superadmins: Could do everything that Admins, Members, VIP, and Users could do. Also:
- @register [NAME] [USGN ID] - Registers a Player to the server. - @forceloginall - Forces login all for Players in the server. - @forcelogoutall - Forces logout all Players in the server. - @forcelogout [ID] - Forces logout a specific Player. - @forcerelogin [ID] - Forces relogin for a specific Player. - @blockadmin [ID] - Blocks an admin from using any commands. - @stopabuse - Stops all Admins from abusing for 3 Mins. - @authremove [NAME] - Removes an auth from the server. - @banipusgn [ID] - Bans IP and USGN a Player. - @baniprange [IP RANGE/ID] - Bans IP Range a Player. - @teleportall [X] [Y] - Teleports all to a specific place in the map. - @map [MAP] - Changes the current map. - @slapall - Takes off 10 of Player's HP. - @killall - Kills all Players in the server. - @authset [USER] [MASK] - Changes the privilege mask of an account. - @authremove [USER] - Removes an account permanently from the server. - @amx2d - Switch Mods of Amx2d. - @unban [NAME, OR IP, OR USGN] - Unbans a name, or IP, or USGN. - @lockname [ID] - Locks a Player name, so he can't changes it. - @banusgn [USGN] - Bans USGN a Player. - @svname [SERVER NAME] - Changes the server name. - @svpassword [PASSWORD] - Changes the current server Password, which makes it private. - @maxhp [ID] [HP] - Maxes HP a Player. - @nameban [NAME] - Bans a name. - @spawnall [X] [Y] - Spawns all Players in specific place in the map. - @disableall - Disables all Players, which makes them unable to move, shoot, or contain guns. - @unbaniprange [IP RANGE] - Unbans an IP Range. - @stripall - Strips all weapons from all Players. - @parse - Same as Rcon. Example: rcon mp_pinglimit 0, @parse mp_pinglimit 0. - @slapt - Slaps All Terriosts Team Players. - @slapct - Slaps All Counter Strike Team Players. - @automoney - Turns Automoney On or Off. - @poison [ID] - Poisons a Player. - @poisonall [ID] - Poisons all Players. - @equipeverything [ID] - Equips a specific Player all guns. - @equipeverythingall - Equips everything for all Players. - @suddendeath [ID] - Suddendeaths a Player. - @adminchat - Talks in admin for only admins in the server. - @sfx [Sound] - Makes a specific sound in the server. Click here to view SFX Commands - @setname [ID] [NAME] - Sets any name for a specific Player. - @blindall - Blinds all players in the server. - @unblindall - Un blinds all Players in the server. - @blind [ID] - Blinds a specific Player. - @unblind [ID] - Un Blinds a specific Player. - @flashall - Flashes all Players. - @flash [ID] - Flashes a specific Player. - @spawnteleports - Spawns teleports randomly in the map. - @spawnexplosions - Spawns explosions randomly in the map. - @spawnmines - Spawns mines randomly in the map. - @spawnturrets - Spawns Turrets randomly in the map. - @setcustomlvl - Sets custom level for Players. - @setcusomlvl2 - Sets another custom level for Players. - @selfdestruct [ID] - Self destructs a Player in 10 seconds. - @selfdestructall - Self destructs everyone in the server in 10 seconds. - @kamikazeall - Adds special moves for all Players. - @kamikaze [ID] - Add special moves for a specific Player. - @infweap - Gives infinite weapons. - @awp - Disables or enables AWP in the next round. - @antiawp [ID] - Disables or enable AWP for a specific Player. - @spawnobject [Object ID] - Spawns an object in a random location in the map. - @explode [X] [Y] - Makes an explosion in a specific place in the map. - @spawnbarbs - Spawns barbs randomly in the map. - @cageturret [ID] - Surrounds a specific Player with Turrets. - @cagemine [ID] - Surrounds a specific Player with Mines. - @customkill [ID] [WPN NAME] - Sets a custom kill for a specific Player. - @scanshacks [ID] - Scans a Player from hacks, and it will show hack detect.(it's fake). - @nohacks [ID] - Scans a Player from hacks, and it will show hack not detect.(it's fake).
Admins: Could do what Members, VIP, and Users could do. Also:
- @eco - Switches the server to "Clan servername" eco Training which enables settings of eco Training. - @1v1 - Switches the server to "Clan servername" 1 vs. 1 which enables settings of 1 vs. 1. - @cons - Switches the server to "Clan servername" Construction which enables settings of Construction. - @mix - Switches the server to "Clan servername" Mix which enables settings of Mix. - @dust - Switches the server to "Clan servername" Dust which enables settings of Dust. - @training - Switches the server to "Clan servername" Training which enables settings of Training. - @public - Switches the server to "Clan servername" Dust which enables settings of Dust. - @tryout - Switches the server to "Clan servername" Tryout which enables settings of Tryout. - @fow - Turns off and on the fog of war. - @specall - Specs all Players that are Playing. - @rss - Resets score to zero. - @makespec [ID] - Specs a Player. - @kick [ID] - Kicks a Player. - @equipall [WEAPON ID] - Equips all Players a specific gun. - @banflash [ID] - Disables Flash for a specific Player. - @unbanflash [ID] - Enables Flash for a specific Player. - @echo - Echoes in the server with red color. - @ff - Turns off and on the friendly fire. - @helplist - Shows the list of commands in the server. - @banname [ID] - Bans name a Player. - @teleport [ID] [X] [Y] - Teleports a Player to a specific place in the map. - @spawn [ID] [X] [Y] - Spawns a Player to a specific place in the map. - @kill [ID] - Kills a player. - @slap [ID] - Takes off 10 of Player's HP. - @setsayto [ID] - Sets a Player so you could @sayto in private. - @sayto [MSG] - Says private conversation to the Player you setsayto. - @setarmor [ID] [ARMOR] - Sets the amount of armor a player have. - @sayc [MSG] - Shows a message in the center of the screen to all Players. - @logout - Logs out of the current account. - @echoprefix [ECHO PREFIX] - Changes the Echo prefix of @echo. - @say [MSG] - Talks in admin to all Players in the server. - @getpos - Shows where you are located on the map, which are [X] [Y]. - @makect [ID] - Makes a Player in CT Team. - @maket [ID] - Makes a Player in T Team. - @autobalance - Enables or disable autoteambalance. - @deathslap [ID] - Slaps a Player which cause him to die. - @restart - Restarts the server. - @bombtimer [TIME] - Sets the time for the bomb to blow. - @restartdelay [TIME] - Restarts the server after specific time. - @whatis - Shows most of the ids of certain weapons. - @enable [ID] - Enables a Player to move if he was disabled. - @hp [ID] [HP] - Gives HP to a Player with amount that is added. - @maxmoneyall [MONEY] - Gives all Players money. - @gettile [ID] - Shows where is someone currently located on the map, that is [X] [Y]. - @teletile [ID] [X] [Y] - Same as @teleport. - @speedmod [ID] [SPEED] - Speeds up a Player movement. - @hpall [HP] - Gives HP to all Players in server. - @strip [ID] - Strips all weapons from a Player. - @lockt [ID] - Locks a specific Player to the Terriost Team. - @lockct [ID] - Locks a specific Player to the Counter-Strike Team. - @lockspec [ID] - Locks a specific Player to the Spectator. - @unlockall - Unlocks all Players. - @cageall - Surrounds all Players with buildings. - @cage [ID] - Surrounds a specific Player with buildings. - @killbuildings - Removes all buildings from the Server. - @spawnwalls - Spawns walls randomly in the map. - @setplayer [ID] - Sets "Player" name on a specific Player. - @shake [ID] - Shakes a specific Player. - @shakeall - Shakes all Players. - @moo - Makes a cow sound in the server. - @nuke - Launches Nuclear detected. - @spam - Spams a Player name in the server. - @spamto [ID] - Spams a Player name to a specific Player. - @clanchat - Talks in admin for only clan members in the server. - @timer [TIME] - Changes round time. - @autobot - Enables or disables autobot. - @addbot - Add a bot. - @kickbots - Kicks all the bots in the server. - @fillbots - Fills the server with bots. - @blink [ID] - Spawns a living Player in random location in map. - @knife [ID] - Strips weapons for a Player, and keeps him with a knife only. - @speedmodall [SPEED] - Speeds everyone in the server. - @god [ID] - Makes a Player have stuff, and powers. - @godall - Makes all Player have stuff, and powers. - @ungodall - Undoes @godall. - @ungod [ID] - Undoes @god. - @respawn [ID] - Spawns a specific Player in random place in the map. - @mute [ID] - Mutes or Un-Mutes a specific Player. - @muteall - Mutes Everyone in the server. - @unmuteall - Un-mutes Everyone in the server.
Members: Could do what Users, and VIP can do. Also:
- @banip [ID] - Bans IP a Player. - @say [MSG] - Talks in Member Mask. - @logout - Logs out of your current account. - @banname [ID] - Bans name a Player. - @makespec [ID] - Make soneone in spect. - @maket [ID] - Make someone in T. - @makect [ID] - Make someone in CT. - @restart - To restart the server. - @kick [ID] - Kick Player. - @"Clan's name" - Shows the website of "Clan's site". - @setsayto - Locks on the person you want to private message to. - @sayto [ID] - to say something PRVT. - @slap [ID] - Lower 10% hp. - @whois [ID] - Tells: IP, USGN, and Login of a Player. - @fake [FAKE MSG] - Fakes a message for everyone. - @faketo [ID] [FAKE MSG] - Fakes a message for a Player. - @listusers - Lists the current users on the server.
VIP Could do what Users can do. Also:
- @say - Talks in VIP to all Players in the server. - @makespec [ID] - Makes a Player Spectator. - @logout - Logs out of your account. - @report [ID] [REASON] - Reports a Player to admins.
- !vote [ID] [REASON] - Votes a Player to an admin. - !resetscore - Resets score to zero. - !broadcast [MSG] - Shows an important message to everyone in the server. - !usgn - Shows your USGN number. - !help - Opens a list of Commands for the server. | |